2wheela media exposure

2Wheela news

Kreativci News

Our project 2wheela was acknowledged as one of the most innovative transport design solutions in 2012and was published in more than 15-countries across four continents. Posts can be found on much future technology and car related websites across Europe, Nord America, Asia, and Oceania. It was published in magazines in Slovenia, China, and Thailand. 2Wheela was acknowledged as one of the possible solutions for overcrowded growing cities. Many people believe that this kind of vehicle could be successful on the markets if it is sold. Comments on many sites persuade us to continue with the project and develop the next phase of this concept. We hope these dreams come true one day.

Many links to post can be found here:

Yanko DesignTechCracks, TechGuide, New Tech Reviews, Tomsguide, Xage, GentsideAutoevolution, Design&Buisness China, Digital trends, Ecofriend, Automotto, Auto Venus, w3sh, Indulgy, ZR, Auto Kult, Tnol, Gigamen, Spk, Maxidesign, Auto Xitek


“…we’ve seen a lot of interesting and rather eccentric designs over the years, but one such design that has truly piqued our interest is Andrej Kregar’s 2Wheela.” DIGITAL TRENDS

“Tento talentovaný slovinský designér tentokrát nabídl nejen elegantní důmyslné linie vozu, ale především fantastickou myšlenku. Automobil standardní velikosti, který je možné rozpůlit, a vytvořit z něj dvě maličká auta…” MAXIDESIGN

“Talented Slovenian designer offered us elegant shape with sophisticated styling and great idea. Vehicle of standard size can be divided into two small cars…” MAXIDESIGN

“Mais c’est aussi d’un point de vue pratique que ce concept va marquer les esprits.” GENTSIDE

“This concept has practical component which is worth to remember.”GENTSIDE

“The first of its kind, the 2Wheela is a concept vehicle that merges the practicality of super-compacts with the spaciousness of vans. Confused?! It’s 2 cars in 1!” YANKO DESIGN

“This is the kind of out-of-the-box thinking that we need to overcome the numerous problems faced by our modern society…” AUTOEVOLUTION




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